To enable cheat codes for GTA San Andreas need to be administered during the game. Also, the game can be paused by pressing the ESCAPE key on your keyboard and enter the code easy.
Introducing codes for GTA San Andreas, note that if at the time the code CJ travels by car: - As in input to the game code contains the letter "F", it just jumps out of the car; - You enter the code "CPKTNWT - blow all cars", then your character will explode with the car. Below is a full list of codes for San Andreas:
Codes for weapons, health, armor and money
LXGIWYL = Guns 1, for fans
KJKSZPJ, PROFESSIONALSKIT = Guns 2, for professionals
UZUMYMW = Guns 3, for crazies
HESOYAM = full health, armor, and $ 250.000
BAGUVIX = CJ immortal = Semi-Infinite Health
CVWKXAM = Unlimited turbo
FULLCLIP, WANRLTW = infinite ammo
Codes on skins, police attention, status
OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT = Increase Wanted Level on 2 stars
ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT = Remove wanted level
AEZAKMI = CJ never get caught
LJSPQK, BRINGITON = Six Star Wanted Level
BTCDBCB = CJ thick
KVGYZQK = CJ skinny
OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME = CJ have maximum respect
VKYPQCF = Max Stamina
NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER = CJ a maximum level of all weapons
VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT = CJ have maximum control over transport
Spawn Cars
AIWPRTON - tank Rhino
CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
PDNEJOH - Hotring Racer 73
VPJTQWV - Hotring Racer 07
KRIJEBR - Stretch
UBHYZHQ - Trashmaster
RZHSUEW - golfcar Caddy
AKJJYGLC - Quadbike
AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
AGBDLCID - Monster
Коды на самолеты
JUMPJET - airplane Hydra
OHDUDE - helicopter Hunter
URKQSRK - Stunt Plane
Cheats on boats in San Andreas
KGGGDKP - Vortex Hovercraft
JQNTDMH = spawn Rancher
AFZLLQLL = sunny weather
ICIKPYH = Very sunny weather
ALNSFMZO = Cloud weather
AUIFRVQS = Rainy weather
CFVFGMJ = Foggy weather
YSOHNUL = Fast hours
PPGWJHT = Quick Play
LIYOAAY = Slow Play
AJLOJYQY = People beat each other golf clubs
BAGOWPG = Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT = All armed
CPKTNWT = Blow up all cars
XICWMD = invisible cars
PGGOMOY = ideal control
SZCMAWO = Suicide
ZEIIVG = Traffic lights always green
YLTEICZ = Agresinvye drivers
LLQPFBN = Pink traffic
IOWDLAC = Black traffic
AFSNMSMW = Flying boats
ASBHGRB = Elvises everywhere
BGLUAWML = People will attack you with a weapon
CIKGCGX = party on the beach
MROEMZH = gang members everywhere
BIFBUZZ = control over the streets
BEKKNQV = Girls ... ;)
BGKGTJH = On the streets of SA only cheap car
GUSNHDE = On the streets of SA only expensive cars
RIPAZHA = Flying cars
JHJOECW = Huge Bunny Hop
JCNRUAD = Smash n' Boom
COXEFGU = All cars have nitro
BSXSGGC = Cars fly off in a collision
XJVSNAJ = Midnight
OFVIAC = Orange Sky 21:00
MGHXYRM = storm
LFGMHAL = Mega jump
AIYPWZQP = You have parachute
YECGAA = You have jetpack
IAVENJQ = Mega hit
AEDUWNV = you do not know the word "hunger"
IOJUFZN = Riot Mode
PRIEBJ = Funhouse Theme
OUIQDMW = Full guided weapons in the car
THGLOJ = abbreviated motion
FVTMNBZ = All machines of the countryside
SJMAHPE = Recruitment any (9mm)
BMTPWHR = All cars and people from rural areas
ZSOXFSQ = Recruitment any (Rockets)
VKYPQCF = Taxi takes nitro
AGRUXVHIQYH - run your glamor in San Andreas, now all cars pink!
AGRUJRYMNOL - felt sad, like mourning? Now all the cars black.
BUBBLECARS - at the slightest touch of your car other cars lose weight.
NIGHTPROWLER - enable endless night over the state will yearn.
CRAZYTOWN - all are lunatics
NATURALTALENT - all your skills are pumped up to maximum settings
Tips for using codes in the game:
Nevertheless, we recommend not to get too carried away codes as the game progresses. Try to run the game and maintained without codes. Only in this case, having the game entirely, you can proudly say that you are a true player who is not afraid to meet the realities of the gameplay alone.
But if you decide to just to have fun and upload your favorite store only to make a few clicks to get a coveted set of weapons and rush into battle conquering territory from Ballas, then these cheats only benefit you.
Also for often just nice to fly on the plane on the vast state in good weather, but the law of meanness as evil in the game in the rain or in the sky, high clouds. But no matter, because there is a code for sunny weather - AFZLLQLL, which will fly your fighter Hydra in clear sight or try on a huge cargo Andromada maneuver between skyscrapers.
interrupted all the neighboring gangs and bored? Love it and just type - BGLUAWML. This code is set on you all the surrounding pedestrians and just to spite you, they will be armed to the teeth. Believe me, the frenzied crowd of ordinary people will be far more dangerous than the gang of 5 people.